
欢迎来到Triton档案办公室, w在这里 we offer information and resources for current and prospective students, 教师, 教职员及校友. 档案办公室为学生和教师提供各种服务:

  • 处理教师的最终评分
  • 处理非正式和正式成绩单的请求
  • 处理学位和证书的申请
  • 核实学生注册和贷款延期
  • Evaluates transcripts from other institutions for credit toward 澳门赌博平台



你是 允许添加或更改 your academic program at any time, provided the new program does not require a separate application.




澳门赌博平台 recognizes that many of our students use a name other than their legal name. 只要所选名称的使用没有歧视, 贬义的, 或用于企图歪曲事实, 我们承认,应尽可能使用选定的名称. The college will permit students who wish to use their chosen name within the college’s student information systems to make a request using the 选择名称申请表格. 更改在获得批准后最多需要2个工作日.

一些记录, 比如官方的学术或就业记录, 包括但不限于成绩单和入学证明, 金融援助, 健康, 税, 或工资单文件要求使用合法的名称, 不会更改为选定的名称.



Please submit your official college transcript for purposes of transfer credit evaluation to the 记录 office (B220). 评价s will be processed only if the student is currently enrolled in a program of study.

  1. 学生 who are seeking academic credit for courses completed at other institutions or through 先前学习评估 目前必须参加学位或证书课程. 学生 must ad在这里 to the 澳门赌博平台 residency requirements for graduation with a degree or certificate. 以满足居住要求, students must complete at least 15 of the credit hours required to earn a degree or 50% of the credit hours required for a certificate at 澳门赌博平台. Only those credits that are applicable to the student’s curriculum at 澳门赌博平台 will be accepted.
  2. Academic credit is generally accepted only from institutions that are accredited by one of the 机构认证 由高等教育评审委员会批准的协会. 所有外国/非英语成绩单必须由NACES成员评估. 可以找到NACES成员的完整列表 在这里.
  3. 先决条件和/或发展课程不可转让. Prerequisite credit and course substitutions must be approved through the Department Chairperson and Dean.
  4. 在初步评估后改变学习计划的学生, 是否需要填写一份申请来重新评估他们的成绩单.

请允许四个星期的评估转移学分. 一份完整的评估表将通过电子邮件发送给学生.













For additional information about 联合协议和区内工人, 请联系:




请按此下载一般呈请表格- PDF格式

If you do not have access to a printer, scanner or fax, please use online form below


If you would like to inquire about the status of your general petition please email generalpetition@d3africa.net.

The college recognizes that students may extenuating circumstances that may hinder attendance. These circumstances may sometimes lead students to consider withdrawing from classes.

学生 are encouraged to discuss the impact of withdrawing from courses with their advisor before making any registration adjustments. 在退款日期之后,学费将不予退还. 如果存在情有可原的情况(i.e., 军事活动, 直系亲属死亡, or a serious medical condition) a student may submit a 一般的请愿书 Form with supporting documentation to generalpetitions@d3africa.net. A general petition submission does not automatically result in a refund or approval of the request. Petitions must be made no later than the following term in which the course occurred.

证明文件必须提交至 generalpetitions@d3africa.net 供你方考虑.

  • 已经退课了吗
  • 还没有收到这门课的成绩
  • 情有可原的情况包括:
    • 严重伤害或疾病
    • 慢性疾病
    • 一个家庭成员的医疗问题,你是看护人
    • 精神健康状况
    • 服兵役 

Please allow 8-10 business days for a response regarding the petition submission.

Assistance with tuition adjustments is based on the withdrawal dates from courses and extenuating circumstances. Tuition adjustment for extenuating circumstances is limited to student hospitalization, 家庭成员死亡, 或者军事部署.

学生 must be prepared to submit documentation regarding displayed extenuating circumstances before the petition can be approved.




反向传输 is a program designed for students who attended 澳门赌博平台 and then transferred to a University without earning an associate degree. Credits successfully completed at another university may be transferrable back to 澳门赌博平台. 澳门赌博平台 will evaluate your credits taken at the university to see if they will fulfill any and all remaining requirements for your associate degree.

The reverse transfer of credit is available to any student who is currently enrolled at a University and has earned:

  • At least 15 credits completed towards an associate degree at 澳门赌博平台; and
  • A cumulative total of at least 60 credit hours of transferrable coursework, 特里顿学院和另一所大学之间.


  1. Submit your official college transcript for transfer credit evaluation to the 记录 office (B-220).
  2. 与档案办公室联系或填写 学术课程更改表格 确保你在毕业时积极地攻读学位.
    • 评价s will be processed only if the student is currently enrolled in a program of study
  3. 完成一个 申请毕业通过你的 MyTriton门户
    • 在学生自助服务卡上,选择 学术计划 link
    • 单击 澳门赌博平台 菜单显示菜单选择
    • 单击 毕业的概述 链接继续毕业申请流程
    • 有关更多信息,请参阅 毕业要求和程序 或电子邮件 graduation@d3africa.net

学生 will be notified accordingly the completed evaluation sheet after transcripts have been submitted and if the student qualifies for an associate’s degree based on the total credits they have earned after the graduation application is submitted.




星期一至星期四: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
星期五: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
周六 & 周日: 关闭

星期一至星期四: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
星期五、星期六、星期日: 关闭

电话: 708-456-0300,分机. 3213
传真: 708-583-3147


FERPA & 目录信息策略#5717

学生 will be annually informed of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 through the 学生手册. 学院的政策副本可在招生办公室获得.

学院将保留所有学生的记录目录. 目录信息将分为三类.

  1. 姓名、地址、电话号码、出勤日期和上课时间.
  2. 曾就读的院校, 主要研究领域, 奖, 授予的荣誉和学位及其相关日期.
  3. Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities; physical factors such as height and weight of athletes; and date and place of birth.

不公开目录信息, students must notify the 招生 and 记录 Office in writing at the beginning of each semester. Failure to make such a written request will indicate approval to disclose directory information by the college for any purpose, 由其自行决定.

The Vice President of Student Affairs will review and approve all requests for student directory information. 目录 information will be provided when the Vice President determines it is in the best interest of 澳门赌博平台 students.